Five reasons why sailing in warm weather is especially nice!

Five reasons why sailing in warm weather is especially nice!

Ah, sailing in hot weather! Now is that a true summer treat you can’t get enough of or will you die a thousand deaths on a hot deck in the middle of the water?! Why exactly is it particularly nice and why boarding a sailing vessel on open water is the best place to be during a hot summer day? In this article, you will go on an adventurous journey along five reasons why sailing in hot weather is really cool!

1. Lovely warm weather in the Netherlands is always a treat on a sailing ship

First, let’s talk about that lovely warm weather itself. When the sun’s rays softly tickle your skin and a warm breeze blows through your hair, you feel just a bit more at one with nature and that generally works out just a bit better out on the water than in the middle of the hot city. It is a perfect opportunity to escape the busy city centre for a weekend or to plan the ultimate summer holiday in the Netherlands and enjoy the summer weather on board a sailing ship.

2. The thrill of sailing on Dutch waters in summer

Then we talk about the thrill of sailing itself. The wind fills the sails and carries you across the rippling waters of the IJsselmeer or the Wadden Sea. The feeling of freedom and adventure is simply unparalleled. But that’s not all! Sailing in warm weather also offers countless opportunities for refreshment and fun. As you glide over the glistening water, you can take the occasional refreshing dip to cool off – the skipper knows the best places to jump overboard for a while. And don’t forget water sports activities like swimming, supping or some synchronised springboard diving off the bow of the ship!


Potlier, zeilen, helpen met zeilen,

3. Meeting new friends on a sail along trip in summer

Sailing in warm weather is also a great opportunity to meet new friends. Book a sail along trip during summer and make sun-tanned friendships with like-minded people in no time. The quaint harbour towns around the IJsselmeer and the ports on the Wadden Islands are buzzing with energy and people, who, like you, have a passion for holiday and sailing. Together with your fellow sailors, you will enjoy sailing activities on board, delicious barbecues ashore, fun trips and cosy evenings with ( bold) stories!

4. Sailing in hot weather is the best way to escape the heat

What could be cooler than feeling a refreshing breeze in the middle of the water? As the sun shines mercilessly and temperatures rise, sailing on the Wadden Sea, for example, offers a welcome escape from the heat. Feel the cooling wind through your hair and the salty smell of the sea in your nose. It is as if Mother Nature has arranged your personal air conditioning, besides, of course, the prospect of a nice cool drink on one of the many cosy terraces on one of the nicest beaches around the Wadden Islands also helps.

5. Discover the beauty of spending some time on a sandbank on the Dutch Wadden with good weather

Chances are your sailing trip starts from the port of Harlingen across the beautiful Wadden Sea. Also big chance that you set sail together towards the Dutch Wadden Islands. Surrounded by natural splendour and a lovely summer breeze. Nice flapping in the wind along the way, active sailing for the enthusiasts and lounging on deck for all those who want to relax.

A lovely warm summer day with little wind and a favourable tide begs to land the flat bottom on one of the many sandbanks in the Wadden area. Now you really have the time to enjoy the natural beauty of our own Dutch tidal flats at your leisure. Don’t forget to pick some oysters or gather some cockles to go with a drink at the end of the afternoon.

Droogvallen, Waddengebied, Waddenzee, Wad, Nederland, Unesco, Zeilschip

Will you join us for some sailing during tropical weather?

So there you have it, five cheery reasons why sailing in warm summer weather is so much fun! The sunshine, refreshing breezes, revitalising dives, exciting water sports activities and unforgettable moments with loved ones make sailing during summer a real pleasure. So hoist the sails, let the summer breeze carry you along and experience an adventure full of joy on the glistening water! Would you like to join us? If you want to do this with children, this trip might be for you, if you prefer to come alone or would like to go on a trip without kids, you can join our adult-only trip this summer. For any other questions, you are of course always welcome to contact us!