Are Dutch waters safe for water sports enthusiasts?

Hundreds of thousands of Dutch people and tourists take to the water in boats…

Dutch Afsluitdijk gets highway for endangered fish species

The Afsluitdijk protects the Netherlands against water but also forms an…

What are the most beautiful waters in the Netherlands

The Netherlands Waterland. You can enjoy sailing on almost every square metre…

14 fun facts about the Wadden area

The Wadden Sea region has a special history and interesting facts. Maybe…

The 10 best things to do during a company outing on a sailing ship

Sailing on the IJsselmeer or the Wadden Sea is a popular and affordable…

What is there to do in West-Terschelling

West-Terschelling is the largest village on this Wadden island of the same…

The lighthouses of the Wadden Islands in the Netherlands

If you live in a small country that is surrounded by sea in both the north and…

The best things to do in the Cocksdorp Texel

De Cocksdorp is the youngest village on Texel. Named after the Belgian…

Enjoy the dunes of the Netherlands

Dunes are the natural protection for the so-called low lands. You don't see…

Special Yoga spots on the Wadden Islands

40% of the women and 15% of the men have ever done yoga in their lives. Where…

The nicest beaches around the Dutch Wadden Islands

The Dutch beaches, especially those on the Wadden Islands, are unique in their…

The best surf and kite beaches in the Netherlands

Few people associate surfing with the Netherlands. While the Netherlands has…

Sailing on the Wadden Sea with a nice group of people

In a kind of exception, our weekend guests, instead of only at the end of the…

Sail along on the Wadden Sea with full sails

With her big white sails full of wind, the ship cleaves through the waves. You…

The history of the many shipwrecks in the Wadden Sea

The Wadden Sea is very rich in heritage, not only in the form of special…